Vladimir Lenin, a Russian revolutionary once said, “There are decades where nothing happens, and there are weeks where decades happen”. Well, all of us have lived it.

Three years and numerous waves into the pandemic, most of us can identify ourselves as digital creatures reflecting the contact and reliance on technology in our daily lives. It’s surprising how fast we transitioned our entire world online. In some cases, it was an overnight shift. This shows our agility and adaptability to the ever-changing environment.


The internet’s next big thing, Metaverse has generated waves of opportunities, leveraging the technological push and highly evolved consumer behavior. Despite the reservation and uncertainty about its meaning and effects on various businesses and individuals, one can’t help but imagine their role in this fascinating new virtual frontier.

We can fairly position metaverse as the biggest tech breakthrough after the innovation of smartphones. While it is still in its infancy, there is a lot to discover as we transition into the world of metaverse. It seems exhilarating to envision PR and communications in this engaging world where one can build real connections in a virtual setting. One must weigh the benefits and risks, particularly for business communications. This highlights the need to rethink and tailor our communication channels.


Communication is all about creating real and impactful experiences. This is where Metaverse comes into play. Unexpected and positive experiences increase a customer’s affection for a brand. Metaverse can hold millions of individuals together for a 3D experience where they can work, play, socialize and create communication strategies for businesses and corporations. Imagine a 3D board meeting that can compress timeframes and increase clientele, or imagine a press conference without the hassle to travel. These scenarios open the door to a 360-degree approach to communication for brand placement in the mixed real and virtual world. Just like every other iteration of the internet, the possibilities will be scaled and increased in the Metaverse.

Seems unreal? We’ll give you a live example.


Recent collaboration between a top pharmaceutical business and Infosys XR Platform enabled the creation of a digital twin of their vaccine lab, giving engineers access to vaccine culture data to speed up decision-making and reduce margin for error.

We find the idea of metaverse changing healthcare communications to be incredibly fascinating. The pandemic cleared the way for healthcare to become more digitized, and the metaverse can only help it along by boosting patient experience and facilitating access by making it location-independent.


Although the metaverse is fascinating, we as communicators must use it strategically:
1. Employees should be educated on the workings of the Metaverse and given the authority to recognise the platform’s distinctions and similarities.
2. To be able to control and sustain storylines, one must first understand the perception of their audience and then establish a strong network.
3. Transition and implement a plan for existing clients and positioning them in the Meta world.
4. Create cutting-edge PR plans for untapped audiences that go beyond the constraints of the real world.
5. Tracking the time and cost mechanisms involved can help you comprehend the risks associated with producing digital goods.
6. Using block chains and provisions for digital currencies, make monetisation and payment systems complete.

In order to expand our business models and properly capitalize on the democratic character of the platform, we are looking forward to developing smart and integrated partnerships with socially conscious developers and organizations. The next great thing in the digital age is communication in the metaverse. Although the metaverse is still in its infancy, it is reasonable to say that it has signaled the start of a new era, with many comprehending it to a second life. The multi-layered digital infrastructure will enable all to create rapid business innovation through process, technology and people.

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